Throwing a Skincare Party | Our Quick Guide

When you need a whole day to relax and spend time with friends, a skincare event is a great idea. A skincare party for your friends or family brings everyone together in a spa-like atmosphere without the need to actually make an appointment or go out of your way.

Ready to get started? Here’s a quick guide to throwing a spa party with all the details.

Everyone’s Favorite Brands

Photo by Pmv Chamara on Unsplash

As you compile the guest list for your skincare party, you want to consider everyone’s favorite brands and lines. You don’t have to supply everything by yourself, but it’s nice to put out something for everyone. If the theme of your party is exfoliating and facial care, set up an area with your favorite scrubs, moisturizers, and natural cleansers, as well as some of the top choices from your friends.

If you don’t know everyone’s favorite skincare lines, send out an email poll to get some quick answers from your guests.

DIY Station

A fun way to amp up the mood of your party is with a DIY station. Let your friends create their own coffee or sugar scrubs with their favorite oils and fruit extracts. To create a scrub station, follow our instructions:


  • Coffee Grounds
  • Sugar
  • Avocado Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Vitamin E Oil
  • Ozone Oil For Skin
  • 2-4 Essential Oil Scents

Let your guests choose if they want a sugar or coffee base, and then let them mix in an oil of their choice. Your ratio should be half a part oil for every one part scrub base. They’ll also only need a few drops of vitamin E oil and floral essential oils for a little added power and scent. With just these few simple ingredients, each of your skincare party guests can customize their scrub. Some of our favorite essential oil scents to offer include lavender, jasmine, chamomile, and grapefruit.

We recommend using these scrubs only on your body. Do not apply them to your face, as the sugar and coffee granules are too irregular and large for the delicate skin on your face.

Comfy Seating

Photo by Guillermo Nolasco by Unsplash

No spa day is complete without somewhere to lounge around and relax. Offer your skincare event guests plenty of places to relax. Place a few pillows and beanbags on the floor, pull together your sofas and armchairs, or lay down a selection of comforters and blankets for those who like to get really cozy. You want to offer plenty of options for everyone, so no one is left standing or uncomfortable.

Serene Ambiance

Ambiance is key for a spa day, and you need all the ingredients to make it work. For your next skincare party, carefully curate the entire atmosphere with some of our top suggestions, including:

  • A Spa Playlist
  • Essential Oil Diffuser
  • Dim or Accent Lighting
  • Scented Candles
  • Floral Arrangements

All of these various elements should come together to create a spa atmosphere nobody can resist. Keep in mind any allergies or sensitivities your guests may have before decorating your space. Some people can’t stand strong scents, or they’re allergic to certain flowers, so ask your friends about any issues that might affect your decor.

Towels with Soothing Scents

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Another way to get your guests in the mood is with warm towels that are lightly scented with essential oils. If you have a towel heater or crock pot, you can soak a few face towels in warm water, dab on an essential oil, and leave them in a warmer for whenever your friends want them. You can also microwave them for about 20 seconds right before your guests arrive to hand them as they walk in.

These towels can be used to wipe off the day’s stresses, wipe your hands after creating a DIY scrub, or place on your feet to keep them warm after a foot soak. Towels are a versatile essential for any skin care party!

Add Flowers

Photo by Isi Parente on Unsplash

If you’re planning on having any foot soaks or hand-washing basins during your skincare event, you can add an elegant flourish to their look and feel with some flower petals. Carnations and daisies are inexpensive options that are available in plenty of colors for an added pop. For those who are planning on including a foot soak in their event, we recommend adding Epsom salts to your warm water to add an anti-inflammatory benefit.

Stay Hydrated

Even though you’re not doing anything but relaxing, you still need to keep your guests and yourself hydrated. Whether you choose to stock a small bar cart with cucumber and lemon water or some freshly squeezed juices, keep the cleansing theme alive with healthy options.

You can also add flowers to the drinking water for your skincare party with a few fresh roses from pesticide-free sources.

Cute Party Favors

Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash

You don’t want your guests to leave your skincare party without something to take with them! From mini versions of your favorite skincare products to fun bath bombs or black seed soaps, party favors are something they can use at home for their daily skincare regimen.

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